More about how to diet

One Day Super Diet

Follow these rules: drink 2-3 liters of mineral water daily, herbal teas without sugar, coffee - up to 1-2 cups per day.

Fruit Day
Eat daily 1 - 1.5 kg fruit, divided into small portions. No matter if you choose one variety or different varieties. (No bananas).

Rice Day
Eat three servings of cooked rice per day (150 g rice without salt). Rice can be prepared with herbs. Between meals, you can eat salads, raw vegetables: celery, peppers, tomatoes etc.. (Prepared without oil, but with yogurt and lemon.)

Milk Day
Drink only milk all day. Up to 3 liters.

Sour milk, kefir
Who can not stand to drink sweet milk should drink sour milk, kefir or yogurt. Up to 3 liters.

A juice Day
Drink all day every fruit juices (freshly squeezed at home) or vegetable. Best taste you have from these fruits: peaches, nectarines, apricots.

Vegetable Day
Eat these vegetables or raw vegetables in salads or cooked: beetroot, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, kale, carrots, peppers, leeks, tomatoes. Salads prepared with lemon juice and yogurt, cooked vegetables are cooked in a bain-marie or in special sieve with holes, or cooked in a saucepan with water. Eat a lot of yogurt and assorted greens.

IMPORTANT: If you can keep an entire week of dieting, alternating choice, will about 4-5 kg. With one condition: Do not cheat! (A biscuit, a oulet, candy ...)

Do not forget!
  1. Acidity, for example, is formed by the accumulation of gastric acid in amounts greater than the body can eliminate. Thus, vital alkaline reserve decreases, which leads to the accumulation of toxins.
  2. Do not let pass three hours between meals or snacks.
  3. The best foods are those non-industrial.
  4. It is contraindicated in people with heart or kidney disease.
One Day Super Diet One Day Super Diet Reviewed by Alex on 13:21 Rating: 5
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