More about how to diet

Blood Type B Diet

They need both animal vegetal food.

General Features
  • Food should be balanced
  • Have a strong immune system
  • Consumers of dairy products
  • Have a tolerant digestive system
  • Respond best to stress with creativity
  • They are well balanced in terms of physical activity and mental health needs
  • Presents the most flexibility in choosing food
  • As of predisposition to disease, these individuals are resistant to current diseases, like heart disease or metabolic disorders. But are prone to chronic fatigue and multiple sclerosis.
Featured Foods

Nutrition should be balanced and complex.

A proper diet that will restore balance and weight with daily energy and vitality, contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. More specifically, do not eat fried, eat salads, raw vegetables, fruits, teas, chicken, beef and fish, soy, and some cereals such as rice, wheat (bread) but not overdo.

A fruit diet rarely used but with special properties, mango has many health benefits: lower cholesterol, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces vascular fragility and increase the resistance vessels, is a potent antioxidant and immunostimulating, reduces risk of cancer, mobilizes fat, is detoxifying, helps eyesight, stress effects, etc.. Mango also contains fitoelemente (bioactive components), which positively influence the health and slow the aging process.

Indicated: red meat and animal products (except chicken), fish, dairy products. Dairy is also very good, just because less cream and cheese are high in fat. It would have to say that the number of meals per day should be three.

Vegetables and fruit should also not miss the nutrition of these people.

Marine foods are beneficial, especially fish such as salmon and cod, but also those who have white meat.

It's good morning to drink a glass of fruit juice, it has an especially tonic effect for the immune system.

The recommended beneficial plants: ginseng, gingko biloba, peppermint, ginger and rosehip.

They drink drink water, herbal teas and juices.


Shellfish (lobster, shrimp, crab), cereals, tomatoes, coffee and alcoholic beverages.
Blood Type B Diet Blood Type B Diet Reviewed by Alex on 11:56 Rating: 5
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