More about how to diet

Blood Type 0 Diet

Group is the oldest blood group, her genes from our hunter ancestors. People who have this group are strong and vigorous, with a strong immune system and need more protein to maintain health.

Main features:
  • These people are consuming meat
  • Have a prompt immune reactivity, fast and efficient
  • Resists physical stress, especially through consumption (should do some exercise)
  • The rapid digestion and acidic gastric juices and is prone to ulcers, gastritis, etc.
  • They are energetic, with a high basal metabolism and require additional food with minerals: Ca, Fe, P, etc.. and vitamins
Featured Foods

The base is represented by food proteins: chicken, beef, fish (is great for group 0, especially for phosphorus content that this has the greatest need). These foods should be consumed fresh and without preservatives. Avoidance of industrial preparations is indicated as sausages, salami etc.

These people badly need to strengthen iodine to thyroid function, such as foods with marine origin are necessary: seafood, fish, sea salt, etc.. It's good to eat salty.

About fruits, they are recommended in large amounts, representing an alternative to flour products. The same goes for vegetables, all eaten fresh in salads, juices or simply eaten as raw. The best fruit to eat are apples, pears and melon.

As fats or oils, olive oil is recommend, pumpkin seeds or nuts that are rich in protein and fats.

As recommended beverages (in moderation of course) are red wine and beer.


Consumption of dry beans, pork, dairy products (or consumed in small amounts), wheat products (gluten because that slows your metabolism), fruit such as melons, bananas, blackberries. Alcoholic beverages should be reduced refined, coffee, tea or juice synthetic. An alternative to coffee good for this blood group is the green tea.

Should avoid fat milk, cheese, cream or consumed in moderation
Blood Type 0 Diet Blood Type 0 Diet Reviewed by Alex on 11:40 Rating: 5
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