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Diet Based On Personality

Have you ever thought that the lifestyle and how you react in different situations have an important word to say on your figure?  Although you could adopt a skeptical attitude vis-а-vis the influence of personality on your weight and how you can protect the health, U.S. researchers have found after extensive studies that, indeed, personality may play a decisive in this case.

No wonder people with a violent personality, impulsive and anxious tend to be more energetic, and consume more meat, not often have an enviable figure. On the other hand, those who are fearful or pessimistic personality are at risk of increased blood pressure or the occurrence of ulcers, with the trend toward sedentary.

We offer so few ideas about diet and disease that you are exposed, according to the temperament you have. Also, depending on personality, you have a certain amount of energy.

Following a Finnish study, conducted on a sample of 4,000 people, concluded that the great enemy of health and / or silhouette of the temperament is impulsive. The same survey found that impulsivity is associated with less control over what you eat. What you eat: white meat, cooked or grilled, nonfat yogurt, fruit. Try to chew food slowly and, during the day, drink plenty of water and tea (no coffee, tea or alcohol). What sports you practice: Tae-Bo or aerobics

Increased blood pressure or cholesterol than anyone else. This probability can be removed if you eat healthy and have active life-style. And do not smoke! According to research, anxious people are among the most hardcore smokers. What you eat: beef, fish, whole grains, yogurt, cheese, fruit, and bananas or grapes. What you can practice sports: jogging, skating, swimming or yoga

I happen to react aggressively when someone upset you? If your answer is positive, you should know that stress is "good" with your personality. You're so exposed to arteriosclerosis, heart disease, increased cholesterol, and your body produces higher levels responsible for increasing immune system proteins, which are in excess, increase inflammation risk. Also, aggressive people heal more difficult if you suffer from any illness and are a "target" for chronic depression. Another lifestyle, more calmly, based on balance, through a proper diet. What you eat: fish, cereals, green leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables "purple" plums, blueberries, eggplant, etc.. You drink tea: chamomile. What sports you practice: any feeling that you enjoy and relax - aerobics, jogging.
Diet Based On Personality Diet Based On Personality Reviewed by Alex on 13:25 Rating: 5
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