More about how to diet

Blood Type AB Diet

Those who have this blood type are probably the most balanced.

General Features
  • These people respond best to change and tolerate a complex diet
  • Resist well under stress
  • Have a strong immune system
  • Digestive tract is still sensitive enough, stomach does not secrete enought gastric juice and digestive problems may occur
Featured foods
The most recommended are seafood, you can eat as often as you like, an excellent source of protein. Milk products are well tolerated, providing intake of calcium and protine.

Flour products are well tolerated.

It is good to eat fat, from time to time what's right, but not taken from chicken, fish, beef, fat in cheese (like cream cheese and very healthy), etc..

Vegetables and fruits should be consumed daily.

Yellow, tasty and very aromatic, has many benefits that affect the aesthetic level. For example, regulates thyroid function, whose gland dysfunction may be responsible for weight gain. The ground seeds and melon juice mixed have moisturizing and calming effect, such a solution is useful for the beauty of the skin, cosmetic masks, as well as in massage to relieve symptoms in burns (especially solar). Melon is a good diuretic effect with antiedeme, reduce swelling on legs, hands, etc. Also at the melon digestion, the fiber it contains, providing and detoxify the body (accumulation of toxic substances in the body is in addition to other negative consequences and effects of weight gain).

Other beneficial foods: garlic, sea salt, horseradish, parsley, soy.

They drink red wine and tea are recommended, herb that helps strengthen the immune system.

Morning is better to drink a glass of water with  half a lemon.

Consumption of chicken and beef (especially canned or smoked products), nuts and seeds (small amounts are beneficial), coffee, pepper, corn, bananas, oranges, mangoes and artichoke.
Blood Type AB Diet Blood Type AB Diet Reviewed by Alex on 11:58 Rating: 5
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